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Librone 3: Brown, Howard Mayer (ed.), Milan, Archivio della Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, Sezione Musicale, Librone 3 (Olim 2267), Renaissance Music in Facsimile, 12c (New York; London: Garland, 1987). 
Librone [4]: Ciceri, Angelo, and Luciano Migliavacca (eds.), Liber capelle ecclesie maioris: Quarto codice di Gaffurio, Archivium Musices Metropolitanum Mediolanense, 16 (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1968).

AMMM – Archivium Musices Metropolitanum Mediolanense
1: Gaffurio, Franchino, Messe, ed. Amerigo Bortone (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1958).
2: Gaffurio, Franchino, Messe, ed. Amerigo Bortone (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1959).
3: Gaffurio, Franchino, Messe, ed. Amerigo Bortone (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1960).
4: Gaffurio, Franchino, Magnificat, ed. Fabio Fano (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1959).
5: Gaffurio, Franchino, Mottetti, ed. Luciano Migliavacca (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1959).
6: Anonimi, Messe, ed. Fabio Fano (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1966).
7:  Anonimi, Magnificat, ed. Fabio Fano (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1965).
9: Anonimi, Mottetti, ed. Luciano Migliavacca (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1961).
10: Isaac, Heinrich, Messe, ed. Fabio Fano (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1962).
11: Weerbeke, Gaspar van, Messe e Mottetti, ed. Giampiero Tintori (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1963).
12: Martini, Johannes, Magnificat e Messe, ed. Benvenuto Disertori (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1964).
13: Compère, Loyset, Messe, Magnificat e Motetti, ed. Dino Faggion (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1968).
15: Josquin des Pres e vari, Messe, Magnificat, Mottetto e Inno, ed. Amerigo Bortone (Milan: Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo, 1969).
CMM: Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae
1.5:  Dufay, Guillame. Opera omnia: Compositiones liturgicae minores, ed. Heinrich Besseler (Rome: American Institute of Musicology, 1966).
5.1: Brumel, Antoine, Opera omnia:  Missae Je nay dueul, Berzerette savoyenne, Ut re mi fa sol, L’Homme arme, Victimae paschali, ed. Barton Hudson ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1969).
5.2: Brumel, Antoine, Opera omnia: Missa Bon temps, Missa dominicalis, Missa Descendi in hortum, Missa sine nomine, ed. Barton Hudson ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1970).
5.4:  Brumel, Antoine, Opera omnia: Missa de beata Virgine, Missa de Dringhs, Missa A l’ombre d’ung buissonet, Missa pro defunctis, Mass Sections, ed. Barton Hudson ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1970).
10.1: Gafurius, Franchinus, Collected Musical Works [Missa de Carnival, Missa sexti toni irregularis], ed. Ludwig Finscher (Rome: American Institute of Musicology, 1955).
10.2: Gafurius, Franchinus, Collected Musical Works [Kyrie et Agnus Dei ad Missam sexti toni irregularis, Missa (in Nat. D.N.J.C.) Omnipotens genitor, Missa sanctae Catherinae V. et M. quarti toni, Missa de tous biens pleine, Missa de O clara luce, Missa (sine nomine), Missa brevis primi toni], ed. Ludwig Finscher (Rome: American Institute of Musicology, 1960).
15.1: Compère, Loyset, Opera omnia [Missa L’Homme armé, Missa Alles regrets, Missa brevis sine nomine, Credo sine nomine, Credo Mon père, Mon père m’a donné mari], ed. Ludwig Finscher ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1958).
15.2: Compère, Loyset, Opera omnia [Three Motet Cycles], ed. Ludwig Finscher ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1959).
15.3: Compère, Loyset, Opera omnia [Four Tenor Motets, Four Magnificats, and Two Esurientes], ed. Ludwig Finscher ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1959).
15.4: Compère, Loyset, Opera omnia [Motets], ed. Ludwig Finscher ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1961).
18: Tinctoris, Johannes, Opera omnia, ed. William Melin ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1976).
22.2: Agricola, Alexander, Opera omnia: Missae, Fragmenta missarum, ed. Edward R. Lerner ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1963).
32.2: D’Accone, Frank, ed., Music of the Florentine Renaissance: Collected Works of Alessandro Coppini, Bartolomeo degli Organi, Giovanni Serragli and Three Anonymous Works ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1967).
41: Pullois, Jean, Opera omnia, ed. Peter Gülke ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 1967).
65.6: Isaac, Heinrich, Opera omnia [Four-Voice Masses I], ed. Edward R. Lerner (Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology; Hänssler-Verlag, 1984).
65.7: Isaac, Heinrich, Opera omnia [Four-voice Masses II], ed. Edward R. Lerner (Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology; Hänssler-Verlag, 1984).
65.8: Isaac, Heinrich, Opera omnia [Four- and six-voice Masses], ed. Edward R. Lerner (Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology; Hänssler-Verlag, 1998).
90.1: Prioris, Johannes, Opera omnia [Masses], ed. Herman Keahey (Neuhausen-Stuttgart: American Institute of Musicology; Hänssler-Verlag, 1982).
106.1: Weerbeke, Gaspar van, Collected Works: Masses, ed. Agnese Pavanello ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 2016).
106.3: Weerbeke, Gaspar van, Collected Works: The Motet Cycles, ed. Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology; Hänssler-Verlag, 1998).
106.4: Weerbeke, Gaspar van, Collected Works: Motets, ed. Agnese Pavanello ([s.l.]: American Institute of Musicology, 2010).
EdM - Das Erbe deutscher Musik
32–34: Gerber, Rudolf (ed.), Der Mensuralkodex des Nikolaus Apel: MS 1494 der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 3 vols (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1956–75).
72–73: Kindermann, Jürgen (ed.), Annaberger Chorbuch: Sächsische Landesbibliothek, Mus. 1-D-505 (Ms. 1248), 2 vols (Wiesbaden: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2017).
76–78: Just, Martin (ed.), Der Kodex Berlin 40021: Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin Mus. ms. 40021, 3 vols (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1990–91).
80–83: Noblitt, Thomas L. (ed.), Der Kodex des Magister Nicolaus Leopold: Staatsbibliothek München Mus ms. 3154, 4 vols (Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1987–96).
JW - Werken van Josquin des Prés, uitgegeven door A. Smijers
46:  Josquin des Prés, Motetten, Bundel xx (Amsterdam: [G. Alsbach], 1957).
55: Antonowycz, Myroslaw, and Willem Elders (eds.), Supplement (Amsterdam: [s.n.], 1969).

MCE - Motet Cycles Edition

See the section "Editions" on this Portal.


MM - Musica mensurale
1: Gaffurio, Franchino, Mottetti, ed. Francesco Rocco Rossi, La musica sacra di Franchino Gaffurio, 1 (Rome: Società Editrice di Musicologia, 2020).
MMR - Masters and Monuments of the Renaissance
5.2: Busnoys, Antoine, Collected Works, Part 2: The Latin-Texted Works: Music, ed. Richard Taruskin (New York: The Broude Trust, 1990).
5.3: Busnoys, Antoine, Collected Works, Part 3: The Latin-Texted Works: Commentary, ed. Richard Taruskin (New York: The Broude Trust, 1990).
NJE – New Josquin Edition
Each volume includes the tomes of the edition and that of the Critical Commentary, indicated with [CC].
3: Masses Based on Gregorian Chants, 1, ed. Willem Elders (Utrecht: Koninklijke vereniging voor nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis, 2003).
6: Masses Based on Secular Monophonic Songs, 2, ed. Jesse Rodin (Utrecht: Koninklijke vereniging voor nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis, 2014).
11: Masses Based on Solmisation Themes, ed. James Haar and Lewis Lockwood (Utrecht: Koninklijke vereniging voor nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis, 2002).
22: Motets on Non-Biblical Texts, 2: De domino Jesu Christo, ed. Bonnie J. Blackburn (Utrecht: Koninklijke vereniging voor nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis, 2003).
23: Motets on Non-Biblical Texts, 3: De beata Maria virgine, ed. Willem Elders (Utrecht: Koninklijke vereniging voor nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis, 2006).
25: Motets on Non-Biblical Texts, 5: De beata Maria virgine, ed. Willem Elders (Utrecht: Koninklijke vereniging voor nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis, 2009.
26: Motets on texts Pro diversis temporibus et festis and on miscellaneous texts, ed. Ton Braas (Utrecht: Koninklijke vereniging voor nederlandse muziekgeschiedenis, 2012).
RRMMA – Recent Researches in the Music of the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance
34: Martini, Johannes, Masses without Known Polyphonic Models, ed. Elaine Moohan (Madison, WI: A-R Editions, 1999).
35: Martini, Johannes, Masses with Known Polyphonic Models, ed. Elaine Moohan (Madison, WI: A-R Editions, 1999).
39: Martini, Johannes, and Johannes Brebis, Sacred Music, Part 1: Hymns, Magnificats, Motets, and Passions, ed. Murray Steib (Middleton, WI: A-R Editions, 2009).
SCM – Sixteenth-Century Motet
2: Sherr, Richard (ed.), Selections from Motetti C: Venice, 1504, The Petrucci Motet Anthologies, 2 (New York: Garland, 1991).
3: Sherr, Richard (ed.), Selections from Motetti Libro quarto: Venice, 1505, The Petrucci Motet Anthologies, 3 (New York: Garland, 1991).
Torchi, Luigi (ed.), L’arte musicale in Italia, volume primo: Composizioni sacre e profane a più voci, secolo XVI (Milan: Ricordi, 1897).