MCE 07-06 Gaude virgo mater pura



Text (ed. by Eva Ferro)



Gaude, virgo mater pura,
Certa manens et secura,
Quod[1] haec tua gaudia
Non cessabunt nec decrescent,
Sed durabunt et florescent
Per aeterna saecula.

Rejoice, pure virgin mother
remaining assured
that these your delights
will not cease nor diminish,
but they will last and flourish
through the eternal ages.

Exaltata es, sancta dei genitrix, super choros angelorum ad caelestia regna; intercede pro nobis.

You were elevated, holy mother of God, above the choirs of the angels to the celestial reigns; intercede for us.

[1] quod] per D-Mbs 3154, T

This text was edited according to D-Mbs 3154, ff. 42v–43r. For a commentary on the topic of this motet and an analysis of the second part (‘Exaltata es’) see the General Commentary. At this point we shall only mention the editorial emendation in line 3. Here the manuscript transmits the reading ‘per’ in the Tenor instead of quod, but since this reading is quite mistaken (possibly the copyist skipped a line while copying and referred to line 6 ‘per aeterna saecula’), it was corrected.

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Measure Voice Source Category Comment Image
D-Mbs_3154 designation of voices -, Contra[ten]or, Tenor, Contra[ten]or
D-Mbs_3154 clefs c1, c3, c3, c4
1-2 4 D-Mbs_3154 coloration Lo and black Sm notated (black Br included in the Lo is intended; the Lo should be half black)
13 2 D-Mbs_3154 pitch and rhythm the Sb rest is missing
17 2 D-Mbs_3154 pitch and rhythm both Sm were corrected through erasion (firstly notated as a and b)
24-35 1 D-Mbs_3154 text underlay gaudia non cessabunt instead of Quod haec tua gaudia non cessabunt
29-30 2 D-Mbs_3154 pitch and rhythm Br g instead of Br a
30 3 D-Mbs_3154 clefs additional clef c1 erroneously notated on the second musical staff
43-47 1 D-Mbs_3154 text underlay sed durabunt instead of sed durabunt et florescent
48 3 D-Mbs_3154 pitch and rhythm Mi c' instead of Mi b
49-56 1 D-Mbs_3154 text underlay et florescent per aeterna secula instead of per aeterna saecula
49 4 D-Mbs_3154 pitch and rhythm Sm c' corrected to Mi c'
57-68 1 D-Mbs_3154 text underlay saecula Exaltata es sancta dei instead of Exaltata sancta dei genitrix
70 4 D-Mbs_3154 coloration black Br
71-90 1 D-Mbs_3154 text underlay genetrix super choros….nobis instead of super choros…nobis
88 2 D-Mbs_3154 coloration black Br
89 3 D-Mbs_3154 pitch and rhythm superfluous Br c'
90 2 D-Mbs_3154 other Lo e' notated as black note (probably to highlight its optional character or just to give it better visibility)
Edition Translation

Gaude, virgo mater pura,
Certa manens et secura,
Quod haec tua gaudia
Non cessabunt nec decrescent,
Sed durabunt et florescent
Per aeterna saecula.

Rejoice, pure virgin mother
remaining assured
that these your delights
will not cease nor diminish,
but they will last and flourish
through the eternal ages.

Exaltata es, sancta dei genitrix, super choros angelorum ad caelestia regna; intercede pro nobis.

You were elevated, holy mother of God, above the choirs of the angels to the celestial reigns; intercede for us.